Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To My Big Boy

You are about to leave home. About to start a life of your own.

I've waited for this since the day you were born.

My heart is so full, that it aches. I am so unbelievably happy. Yet...there is a twinge of sadness.

I'm not unhappy about where you are going. I wouldn't want it any other way. You are going to where you are supposed to be, together with your future wife. To the life you are building together. But I will no longer be a part of the many moments of your life.

It's not like you ever really leave. A child is always in his mother's heart and mind.

But you will be missed.

I remember holding you...my first child....in your first moments of life.

Where have the years flown?

Where has the little boy gone?

Has the time really come?

Yom Kippur just passed. I davened for each of my children. I davened for all their personal needs. I worried about what is ordained for the coming year.

But my thoughts were especially with you.

I thought about everything that happened since last Yom Kippur. I thought about the monumental change in your life. And I davened for you and your kallah. For your new home. And for the children who will hopefully fill it.

I thank Hashem for allowing me to raise you and care for you, and for giving me such joy in watching you grow up to be the special person you are today.

My heart is full.

I wish for you so many things....so many blessings...so much good.

I wish for you only goodness. Only the very best of everything.

And I wish you and your wonderful, sweet kallah...your future wife...a life of true happiness. A life in which you will see the fulfillment of all your heart's desires.

Mazel tov to my dear, dear son.


  1. You must have some real pull up there, because hashem is really heaping his bounty on you and your family.

    Wishing you, and him, (and his kallah), much continued hatzlacha upon this momentous occasion. May they continue filling you aching heart with well earned joy, as they embark on a new life together...

    I am certain that with a mom like you, they are never gonna be too far...

    Mazel tov!

  2. I second what the previous poster said.

    You have reached a beautiful milestone and it will I'yh take you on a lovely journey, one which will continue to lead you in new directions and to many wonderful places. Enjoy every moment, by him and all your children in the right time.

    Mazel Tov Mystery Woman. Wishing you loads of nachas and only simchos in your family.

  3. May your son and his kallah find endless happiness together!

  4. Mazel Tov!
    May Hashem grant you much bracha and nachas from him and all your children in the coming year.

  5. Mazel Tov!
    Looking forward to watching it get better and better from here!

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again. He is so lucky to have a mother like you whose love for him is so deep and so real.

    It is a milestone I hope to reach one day...but I still have time ;-)!

  7. Mazel tov! Much nachas!
